Monday, October 20, 2008

Teka-Teki Yobi

Yobi, a new guy for KONE team asked us two teka-teki today.

The first 1 is, " Burung apa yang tangan dia atas kepala, kaki dia atas kepala, benda tut dia atas kepala, pendek kata semua lah atas kepala"

My answer to him is " Burung yang hinggap atas kepala lah". But he didnt hear it very clear and asked me to repeat my answer. Suddenly I'm afraid that the answer might have hidden meaning. So I just said nothing and asked for real answer instead. Turn out the answer is, burung yang kena pijak.

I'm quite confused with the answer. Then Aja said, the question should be, " Burung apa yang tangan dia kat kaki, kaki dia kat kaki, benda tut dia pun kat kaki, pendek kata semualah kat kaki"
Yobi silence for a while then slapped his own head while " Aah la, salah pulak teka teki." Of course la lepas tu kena kutuk. Nak bagi teka-teki tapi salah bagi. Apa la...

The 2nd teka-teki is, before Yobi shoots the questions, he warns us that the question might be a bit obcsene. The question is " Zakar apa yang paling happy?" Hik2. I know the answer in a blink of eye. I think everybody does, but we are too embarrassed to answer. I told Yobi I will answer by typing the words instead of saying out loud. But before I did it, Syed who sat beside me, answer it with a very loud voice innocently. That is when all of us laughing very hard.

Who says workplace is boring? Sumtimes stupied jokes can make u forget all the burden you are going through.