Sunday, October 26, 2008


My parents decided to stay here with me and just go back home in Penang when necessary. My mum cannot live in that house for now. That 'thing' dont want to come out yet. It still there as per commanded by the person who wants to hurt my mum.

I know I just can pray and make a request from Allah, that one day there will be something that can make that 'thing' go away and my mum can heal and be healthy.

On other updates on MyDia, he surprised me by buying a netbook. Adik-beradik notebook. Just now I saw MyDia through webcam. Hihi. Nice view honey!


Ayu Ikhwani said...

Netbook tu camne misa?

misa said...

Saya pun tak sure. Tengok rupa bentuk sama je cam laptop. Tapi menurut kata kawan saya yang beli tu, netbook ni mmg main purpose dia chatting ngan surfing je.

Ayu Ikhwani said...

Nnt buh gambo kat blog ek.. huhu, nak tgk! Sy ni kan bute IT :">

Anonymous said...

mcm mn la ropa roman si netbook ni..oopsss,silap,mcm mn la ropa roman si owner netbook nih?wakakakaka...