Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I Want To Go Shopping

I need to go shopping. Not because I'm crazy about shopping. Shopping is not my stress therapy. But now I'm running out of decent clothes. My old pants now quite tight because my tummy getting bigger. I don't know why I'm quite buncit rite now. My blouse seems old and my scarves quite worn out. Not to mention my dalam-dalam things. But tak sampai la tahap roti kirai cam P.Ramlee tu. Haha!

I got a sign to buy new outfit when I went to breakfast with some of my friends after night shift. On the way back to our office, I noticed, my pants is tore around my thigh. What makes things worse is I'm sitting at the back in a car with Asip. I don't know he can see it or not. Mesti nampak bulu-bulu kat peha aku. Hahah!

Conclusion, yer aku berbulu sebab lahir tahun monyet and ada pertalian ngan orang utan.


Anonymous said...

its not funny :P:P:P sbb aku pn lahir tahun monyet and ada bulu2 di paha..wakakakakakakaka...

Ayu Ikhwani said...

Cehh.. tak mo ngaku bleh?

medroed said...

aaaa... seb baik mate aku x melilau malahan melalau jek... kalu x mesti aku dh rakam video dan aplod kat youtiub. hahaha! pegi la beli sluar baru...x senonoh betol pegi keje pake sluar koyak. mak aku marah tau. x elok katenye..