Friday, October 10, 2008


I suffered a bit yesterday. But today is different. Allah Maha Penyayang. He puts smile on my face today. While working last night. Someone added me to Office communicator (OC), one of our communication tool. Something like YM.

I thought he is from other team who wants to follow up on some issue but ended up that he's interested on knowing me. He said from yesterday he wants to add me but only today he managed to know my name by asking someone from my team.

Well, to know someone admiring me, enough to amend last night suffer. (Dont worry sayang, my heart still with you). We chatted through the night and that's the thing I usually do even with others on night shift to keep us awake all night. He told me that he's really want to befriend with me and asked for my phone number. He is younger than me. We have 4 years gap. But still he continued chatting with me. Maybe he wants to be polite.

End of the day, he asked me to breakfast together. As usual, I politely decline. I told him that my cik abang already waiting for me. ( Even I know my cik abang sayang already sleeping, cess). And then he told me to take care my cik abang baik-baik and not to forget him if there is any chance between us. He also quite suprised with himself being straight-forward with me. He just want to make sure I got the point that he's really likes me.

Enough about that guy. About yesterday entry, I'm unaware by posting that entry, I actually hurt the feeling of the person that I love the most, my boyfriend. Because, he is a cleaner. Being wonderful as he always is, he never shows any hurtful feeling after reading that entry. Until I realized what I already did. I ask him whether he mad at me and he simply said no. But calmly he explains to me why that makcik cleaner mad at me.

Aiyo, pasal makcik cleaner pun dah 2 entri.

Conclusion for today, that admirer guy sure got so many pahala because he makes me happy today. To my sayang, chenta ku tetap pada mu. Hahah, poyo.

1 comment:

Ayu Ikhwani said...

Erkkk.. saya udah konpiussss