Sunday, October 12, 2008

Standby Again!!!

I woke up around 4 PM yesterday. Feel like doing nothing. As usual, skype-ing with my Dia. He seems mad at me because I fell asleep in the middle of something that we suppose to do together. Tehehe... Sorry my Dia.

Time goes by and suddenly it's already near 9 pm. Guess what? Got an sms from Bobi and Izan asking me want to standby or not because Dilan took an MC again. What the hell...

It took me an hour to take a shower and get ready to go to work and I arrived at the office around 10.30. Feel so hungry and my mind just thinking about old town white coffee. I know my entrance to the office floor invited several pairs of eyes to look at me. I can see those eyes. But I'm so over in the mood to be control-control ayu anymore.

After login to my pc, I was greeted by Admirer through OC. He was calling me sayang. Sayang kepala hotak kau. Man, what a desperado he is. After login, me and Izan off to go to Old Town White Coffee restaurant which is located at Kota Damansara. Actually I asked Syed to join us but he refused. My evil mind thought it must be because he is someone's husband. Hihi.

Spend around 2 hours there, where in the middle of our conversation, Izan got a call from her family member that someone in their relatives' family died. Innalillahi Wainna Ilaihi Rojiun. Got back to the office and stupid tickets. Admirer insists calling me sayang and that is when I threatened him to drop that sayang thingy if he wish to speak to me again.

Later that night I paste all the sayang things from the Admirer to my Dia ym. (Another way for me to tell you my dear, it's a mistake if you ever think to leave me because I'm hot. Haha!)

Conclusion for today, people might confused why I'm so happy the other day when I know someone admiring me and today I hate that admirer. I am happy because I realised despite all the bad things happened to me, I still have something good within me that make some people look at me. But it doesnt mean I will like the person who admires me. Futhermore if he's trying to ignore the fact that I already have my Dia after I told him. Clear everyone?

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