Semalam sedih sebab dinner sorang-sorang kat dalam bilik. Tapi hari ni, ada orang baik hati bawak aku dengan Bob gi dinner.
Thanks Hezli sebab bawak kitorang makan kat tempat best. Makanan sedap. Hezli belanja pulak tu. Neslo tarik dia pun sedap.
Lepas makan, Hezli bawak kitorang pusing-pusing Sibu. Sambil ronda-ronda tu, dapat dengar lagu best-best dalam kereta dia.
Yang paling penting, Hezli ni eye-candy juga. Ahahahahahahahahaha.
Misa naughty.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Kena Saman
Tension dan stressed sebab kena saman. Nangis sampai bengkak-bengkak mata.
Tapi sekarang dah penat nangis.
Masa ni la kena apply metafora kasut tu.
"Sedih sebab tak dapat beli kasut baru, tapi lagi sedih orang yang takde kaki nak pakai kasut"
Aku kena saman, tapi InsyaAllah dapat buat rayuan.
Cuba pikir nasib peniaga melayu yang menjaja di jalanan pastu kena saman sebab tak mampu nak bayar lesen perniagaan.
Dah la pendapatan seharian pun cukup-cukup.
So Misa, rileks dan usaha slow-slow atasi masalah ni ok!
Tapi sekarang dah penat nangis.
Masa ni la kena apply metafora kasut tu.
"Sedih sebab tak dapat beli kasut baru, tapi lagi sedih orang yang takde kaki nak pakai kasut"
Aku kena saman, tapi InsyaAllah dapat buat rayuan.
Cuba pikir nasib peniaga melayu yang menjaja di jalanan pastu kena saman sebab tak mampu nak bayar lesen perniagaan.
Dah la pendapatan seharian pun cukup-cukup.
So Misa, rileks dan usaha slow-slow atasi masalah ni ok!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
I Hate Generalization
Why? Because it leads to assumptions. Sometimes, wrong or cruel assumptions. I hate people who like to generalize a thing like all women are weak. All taxi drivers are rude. All men are pigs. Or working as a helpdesk is actually doing nothing and a simple job in the world.
And, all people who is a graduate no matter diploma, degree or master or whatever is intelligent and perfect.
The story below is told by Atoy to me which reminds me another effect of generalization.
Pakcik kepada Anas : Anaih! Pi cari marton sat kat belakang.
Anas: Sat nak pi cari
After 15 minutes,
Pakcik: (yelling) Anaih! Awat lama sangat hang cari marton. Haih, mengaji ja sampai universiti, carik marton pun tak reti.
Anas: Orang pi universiti bukan pi belajaq macam mana nak cari marton.
Then, those two start yelling to each other....
See? What generalization can do to you?
And, all people who is a graduate no matter diploma, degree or master or whatever is intelligent and perfect.
The story below is told by Atoy to me which reminds me another effect of generalization.
Pakcik kepada Anas : Anaih! Pi cari marton sat kat belakang.
Anas: Sat nak pi cari
After 15 minutes,
Pakcik: (yelling) Anaih! Awat lama sangat hang cari marton. Haih, mengaji ja sampai universiti, carik marton pun tak reti.
Anas: Orang pi universiti bukan pi belajaq macam mana nak cari marton.
Then, those two start yelling to each other....
See? What generalization can do to you?
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Rasa Bersalah
"Rasa Bersalah" is my YM status today. Some of my concerned friends then buzzed me to know what's the matter with me.
I forgot MyDia birthday. Even, I talked to him until 1 am, but the fact that the day is his special day totally not registered in my head.
Over these 3 years, this is the first time I forgot about it. And I hope this will be the last time.
I feel so guilty because for my birthday, he really make himself sure not to forget about it. He was the first person who wish me happy birthday.
Please Misa, be romantic ok!
I forgot MyDia birthday. Even, I talked to him until 1 am, but the fact that the day is his special day totally not registered in my head.
Over these 3 years, this is the first time I forgot about it. And I hope this will be the last time.
I feel so guilty because for my birthday, he really make himself sure not to forget about it. He was the first person who wish me happy birthday.
Please Misa, be romantic ok!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
I lost my 8GB thumbdrive. Just realized about it last Monday. The last time I remember I hold it is last week Friday. I bring it along with me when attending user at level 21.
I think I must have left it at the user's desk. There are several valuable files in there including my company team building picture and also karaoke picture.
What to do. Careless lagi!
I think I must have left it at the user's desk. There are several valuable files in there including my company team building picture and also karaoke picture.
What to do. Careless lagi!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
I cannot sleep last night. Wasting my time by watching videos on YouTube. Prancing around my house.
I feel tired and dizzy around 5 am. Switched off the light and dozed off.
Woke up today around 1 pm. Shower and eat. While passing my parents bedroom, I glimpsed and imagining Mak lying on the bed. I missed her.
Watching CSI while having some toast. I still like this series even though I missed Grissom in it. New guy, Dr Ray Langston not failing to give new color to the series.
By the way, last night I spend some time to watch old and new videos of Lionel Richie. I just love his music. When I first found out that Nicole Richie is his daughter, I'm quite jealous of her. Hik2.
So, there's no agenda for today. Still battling with my cough. Ayah just called to remind me to drink air asam jawa.
Right now, I want to watch Donnie Darko movie. See ya!
I feel tired and dizzy around 5 am. Switched off the light and dozed off.
Woke up today around 1 pm. Shower and eat. While passing my parents bedroom, I glimpsed and imagining Mak lying on the bed. I missed her.
Watching CSI while having some toast. I still like this series even though I missed Grissom in it. New guy, Dr Ray Langston not failing to give new color to the series.
By the way, last night I spend some time to watch old and new videos of Lionel Richie. I just love his music. When I first found out that Nicole Richie is his daughter, I'm quite jealous of her. Hik2.
So, there's no agenda for today. Still battling with my cough. Ayah just called to remind me to drink air asam jawa.
Right now, I want to watch Donnie Darko movie. See ya!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Lambert Vs Allen
Yup, we know the winner is Kris Allen. At first I'm quite stunned when Adam Lambert lost. I knew the result through online at the office.
I'm quite bumped hard when Adam lost and don't even watch the finale show. Until today.
But now I'm over my mourning phase. Actually Kris also the best singer. Now I keep repeating listening to his studio version of Heartless. It's really captivating. At first I hate him for Adam's losses like the title of American Idol winner is ripped off of from Adam by Kris. But now listening to Kris's song kept grew the likeness for him on me and he deserved the title also.
But still Adam is my favorite and will always be.
I'm quite bumped hard when Adam lost and don't even watch the finale show. Until today.
But now I'm over my mourning phase. Actually Kris also the best singer. Now I keep repeating listening to his studio version of Heartless. It's really captivating. At first I hate him for Adam's losses like the title of American Idol winner is ripped off of from Adam by Kris. But now listening to Kris's song kept grew the likeness for him on me and he deserved the title also.
But still Adam is my favorite and will always be.
Batuk Yang Berpanjangan
I'm having a cough since last Wednesday. And still not cured by today. Last night I have difficulties to sleep due to I keep awake when coughing. My chest hurt and it feels like heartburn.
I already went to a clinic last Thursday but seems like my cough is stubborn to go away and want to abuse me till I don't know when. I hope I will getting better at least by tomorrow, because on Monday I may have to go to server room which is known as the coldest place at the entire office building. Being in the coldest place will make my cough getting worse.
My parents already went back to Penang this morning. I missed them already. This week when I'm battling with my on-off fever, there's Ayah who will put wet towel at my forehead and Mak will make hot coffee for me to chase away the bitter taste of medicine that I took.
They have to go back today to Penang with Ating who have to register his on-the-job on next Monday. While packing their stuff this morning, they kept telling not to forget to take medicine and Mak told me she already reheat her gulai ikan and everything that I need for food for today and tomorrow.
Now, I'm alone. Still coughing.
I already went to a clinic last Thursday but seems like my cough is stubborn to go away and want to abuse me till I don't know when. I hope I will getting better at least by tomorrow, because on Monday I may have to go to server room which is known as the coldest place at the entire office building. Being in the coldest place will make my cough getting worse.
My parents already went back to Penang this morning. I missed them already. This week when I'm battling with my on-off fever, there's Ayah who will put wet towel at my forehead and Mak will make hot coffee for me to chase away the bitter taste of medicine that I took.
They have to go back today to Penang with Ating who have to register his on-the-job on next Monday. While packing their stuff this morning, they kept telling not to forget to take medicine and Mak told me she already reheat her gulai ikan and everything that I need for food for today and tomorrow.
Now, I'm alone. Still coughing.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Today, me and my office mates decide to tapau our foods dekat cold storage. Me, Epi,Fariza,Kide,Niza,Psycho,Fuzah and Fifi went together romping around the mall searching what to eat for lunch. I chose to have a slice of pizza which i dont bother what kind of it. As long as it is halal. I also suddenly teringin nak makan kuih nyonya.
Once everyone settled buying foods, we get back to our office. Actually this is the first time since i'm working here that we tapau food ramai-ramai. Usually we will go to any stalls around KLCC no matter how crowded the stall is.
At first, only me,Fuzah,Epi and Faridah that went to pantry to eat together. Amri already sitting and eating his usual meal brought from home, cook by his wife.
Everything went well with eating, chatting and laughing. Suddenly Amri says " Aku tengok Misa makan kan, dia renung benda dia nak makan tu baru dia makan.' Then he dares to laugh.
Suddenly i feel myself like boiling inside. Terus aku sound pasal tabiat suka tengok orang makan. Apesal tah yang nak tengok orang makan. I raised my voice and told him that it is rude to watch other people eating. Pastu siap komen-komen pulak orang makan macam mana.
Aku siap tanya lagi, sedar ke tak kalau sendiri makan elok ke tak rupa masing-masing?
I dont know others yang tengok aku melenting tu either take side of me or not sebab masing-masing just mumble and I cant hear clearly. Amri, i think quite shocked with me become emotional over a little thing and then he dare to ask me betul ke tak elok tengok orang makan.
At this time, my boiling level rising higher but i chose to ignore, because i know, lagi layan lagi bengang.
Well nak buat macam mana. Aku tak penah pun nak particular sangat tengok orang lain makan macam mana. Aku tak penah nak buang masa nak pikir kenapa orang tu kurus, kenapa orang tu gemuk. Suka hati aku la nak badan macam mana pun. Eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!
PS: Tak heran kalau ada lelaki baca ni then komen perempuan memang emosi.
Once everyone settled buying foods, we get back to our office. Actually this is the first time since i'm working here that we tapau food ramai-ramai. Usually we will go to any stalls around KLCC no matter how crowded the stall is.
At first, only me,Fuzah,Epi and Faridah that went to pantry to eat together. Amri already sitting and eating his usual meal brought from home, cook by his wife.
Everything went well with eating, chatting and laughing. Suddenly Amri says " Aku tengok Misa makan kan, dia renung benda dia nak makan tu baru dia makan.' Then he dares to laugh.
Suddenly i feel myself like boiling inside. Terus aku sound pasal tabiat suka tengok orang makan. Apesal tah yang nak tengok orang makan. I raised my voice and told him that it is rude to watch other people eating. Pastu siap komen-komen pulak orang makan macam mana.
Aku siap tanya lagi, sedar ke tak kalau sendiri makan elok ke tak rupa masing-masing?
I dont know others yang tengok aku melenting tu either take side of me or not sebab masing-masing just mumble and I cant hear clearly. Amri, i think quite shocked with me become emotional over a little thing and then he dare to ask me betul ke tak elok tengok orang makan.
At this time, my boiling level rising higher but i chose to ignore, because i know, lagi layan lagi bengang.
Well nak buat macam mana. Aku tak penah pun nak particular sangat tengok orang lain makan macam mana. Aku tak penah nak buang masa nak pikir kenapa orang tu kurus, kenapa orang tu gemuk. Suka hati aku la nak badan macam mana pun. Eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!
PS: Tak heran kalau ada lelaki baca ni then komen perempuan memang emosi.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Hari ni dalam sejarah aku gi karaoke. Pegi dengan budak-budak ofis. Aku, Epi, Fariza, Kide, Bye, Fuzah,SyamC, Cik A, Su n Khalid.
At first aku just sing along. Tapi bila dah pass-pass mic tu, dapat kat tangan aku, terpaksa jugak la menyanyi. Sumbang pun sumbang la.
Today our last day for MITCO briefing. Sangat senang hati. Tham pening dengan auditor.
At first aku just sing along. Tapi bila dah pass-pass mic tu, dapat kat tangan aku, terpaksa jugak la menyanyi. Sumbang pun sumbang la.
Today our last day for MITCO briefing. Sangat senang hati. Tham pening dengan auditor.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Sakit Hati
Started today with bad incident. Lain hari baru boleh cerita. Lesson for today. Jangan cuba nak sakitkan orang, sebab nanti tanpa sedar tersakitkan diri sendiri.
Hari ni ada briefing dengan MITCO. So aku join tengok macam mana otai-otai PeLSSB ni bagi briefing. Ada 2 session hari ni untuk 2 grup. Pagi start pukul 10 and petang start pukul 2.30.
1st brieifing conducted by ketua otai, Mr Tham Joon King. Kesian dia tak sihat pun kena bagi briefing. Nak buat macam mana. Aku tak khatam belajar lagi. Agak gelabah sebab several PC mengada-ngada tak nak ada sound.
In between briefings ada some resfreshments. Time tu la aku kalut check akaun orang yang datang briefing tu sebab some of them ada yang takde akaun lagi. There are about 13 people for this session.
After refreshment yang tak berapa nak fresh tu, terus hands-on session. Semua peserta diberi peluang guna elearning dan completekan satu course siap dengan sijil.
By 12.30, dah abis session. Aku join budak-budak ofis ni gi lunch kat level 4. Dalam keadaan crowded tu pun, Syamsi berjaya dapatkan 3 meja untuk kitorang. Aku mula la pening pikir nak makan apa kat food court ni. At last aku makan mee hot plate. Tak abis sebab hangit.
After lunch, pegi zuhur. Then ada 2nd session utk MITCO. Kali ni aku conducted by Syamsi. Aku tanya awal-awal sape yang takde akaun lagi. Masa demo, aku keluar setelkan pasal orang-orang yang ada problem akaun.
Setel je, dah masuk hands-on session. So aku lepak-lepak je dalam tu sambil sesekali pegi la tinjau-tinjau.
Petang tu patut ada plan nak pegi karaoke. Tapi tak jadi pulak. Tangguh ke esok. Ni la first time aku nak join budak-budak ni karaoke. Tak nyanyi pun, jadi backup dancer je. Hik2.
Balik aku singgah pasar malam. Tiba-tiba rasa bersyukur sebab harga air RM1 je. Selalu kat ofis teh o suam pun RM1.30.
Hopefully tomorrow will be better than today.
Hari ni ada briefing dengan MITCO. So aku join tengok macam mana otai-otai PeLSSB ni bagi briefing. Ada 2 session hari ni untuk 2 grup. Pagi start pukul 10 and petang start pukul 2.30.
1st brieifing conducted by ketua otai, Mr Tham Joon King. Kesian dia tak sihat pun kena bagi briefing. Nak buat macam mana. Aku tak khatam belajar lagi. Agak gelabah sebab several PC mengada-ngada tak nak ada sound.
In between briefings ada some resfreshments. Time tu la aku kalut check akaun orang yang datang briefing tu sebab some of them ada yang takde akaun lagi. There are about 13 people for this session.
After refreshment yang tak berapa nak fresh tu, terus hands-on session. Semua peserta diberi peluang guna elearning dan completekan satu course siap dengan sijil.
By 12.30, dah abis session. Aku join budak-budak ofis ni gi lunch kat level 4. Dalam keadaan crowded tu pun, Syamsi berjaya dapatkan 3 meja untuk kitorang. Aku mula la pening pikir nak makan apa kat food court ni. At last aku makan mee hot plate. Tak abis sebab hangit.
After lunch, pegi zuhur. Then ada 2nd session utk MITCO. Kali ni aku conducted by Syamsi. Aku tanya awal-awal sape yang takde akaun lagi. Masa demo, aku keluar setelkan pasal orang-orang yang ada problem akaun.
Setel je, dah masuk hands-on session. So aku lepak-lepak je dalam tu sambil sesekali pegi la tinjau-tinjau.
Petang tu patut ada plan nak pegi karaoke. Tapi tak jadi pulak. Tangguh ke esok. Ni la first time aku nak join budak-budak ni karaoke. Tak nyanyi pun, jadi backup dancer je. Hik2.
Balik aku singgah pasar malam. Tiba-tiba rasa bersyukur sebab harga air RM1 je. Selalu kat ofis teh o suam pun RM1.30.
Hopefully tomorrow will be better than today.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Semangat Sikit
Hari ni aku datang awal sikit. Selalunya aku lewat sampai ke ofis. Waktu mula kerja secara rasmi ialah pukul 8 pagi. Tapi aku selalu sampai pukul 9 or 9.15. Dan aku sangat menyesal setiap kali datang lewat.
Hari ni aku sampai pukul 8.30. Sampai je dekat ofis, seperti dijangka, semua rakan ofis aku ambik berat tanya aku dah sihat ke belum. Ish terharulah! Letak beg kat meja, terus join diorang breakfast. Ari ni aku makan roti jala dengan kari ayam. Minum ari ni downgrade sikit. Teh O suam je.
Sebenarnya aku pening jugak pikir nak makan apa. Dengan gastriknya. Dengan nearly kena darah tinggi. Aku jadi tak tau nak makan apa. Last sekali aku ikut perut yang lapar dan budget yang ada.
Lepas makan, cepat-cepat aku tengok insiden ( kat HP, dipanggil tiket). Ada 2 je open incident. Cepat-cepat aku setelkan. Lepas tu kelam kabut bukak veritas nak finalisekan server-server yang perlu dibackup utk relocation. Pukul 10 org veritas nak datang, kul 9.30 baru aku nak kalut-kalut.
Leka tgk senarai server, tengok-tengok dah pukul 10.30. Tak sampai lagi org veritas ni. At last kul 11.30 baru dia datang. Naik ke bilik server di tingkat 8 buat pertama kali. Sangat la sejuk bilik server ni. Nasib baik Epi baik pinjamkam jaket dia.
Aku mula cemas sebab nak belajar pasal veritas ni. Lepas ni, veritas ni jadi tanggungjawab aku. Risaunya. Bila Amri dok usik-usik aku pasal aku pakai baju kecik la apa la. Aku mula nak bad mood dah. Orang nak belajar ni, dia pun sibuk la nak mengusik. Aku pun mula tunjuk muka tension.
Last-last Amri tinggalkan aku kat situ dengan orang veritas yang sekarang dah tahu nama dia Ang. Laju gila la si Ang ni buat kerja. Dah la guna Java unix segala. Harap la nak masuk otak aku kan. So, Ang ajar aku cara nak recover backup. Ok, dapat 1 lesson pun jadi la.
Gagah perkasa la kitorang berdiri sambil menahan sejuk kat bilik tu. Fariza cakap kat aku cuba berdiri kat lubang-lubang tu. Panas sikit. Aku pun bediri la kat lantai yang ada lubang-lubang tu. Rupanya lagi kuat angin kat situ. Rupanya nak mengusik jugak si Fariza ni. Hahahahha.
Pukul 1.15 kitorang berenti pegi lunch dulu. Hari ni murah rezeki ada nasi kat ofis. So tak payah kuar belanja. Makan dengan Fauzy, Amri dan Fariza kat pantry. Diorang bukak cerita pasal teknologi MIG apa tah. Segala simulation semua keluar. Aku dengar je la. Pastu tiba-tiba ada cerita politik pulak. Aku makan sambil menahan pedas. Lupa pulak aku gastrik hari ni.
Pukul 2, naik semula ke server room. Tapi kali ni dengan Amri dan Ang je. Aku dah rasa angin mencucuk kat belah kiri perut. Kali ni aku tak daya dah nak berdiri tengok Ang wat backup. Aku duduk kat tepi-tepi tingkap. Sempat transfer gambar dari phone Amri yang ambik masa kat KK. Amri cakap kak Syam kata aku fotogenik. Fotogenik ok... Bukan fotogedik. Sampai la ke pukul 3.30.
Balik ke meja yang dirindui kat ofis. Bukak insiden dan setelkan mana yang boleh. Pastu dah pukul 4.30. Hmm... tak sempat aku nak follow up dengan user mana-mana insiden yang pending. Tak semangat dah aku nak wat keje time ni.
Tiba-tiba Hermin ym aku. Kawan yang lama tak borak ni. Apa lagi, ilang segala insiden aku. At last ym dgn Hermin, Bob, Bart dan Ami. Sampai la ke pukul 5.30. Kemas-kemas barang. Lepas cakap i love u kat Bart, terus balik dengan Amri pergi LRT.
Itulah apa yang aku buat hari ni.
Hari ni aku sampai pukul 8.30. Sampai je dekat ofis, seperti dijangka, semua rakan ofis aku ambik berat tanya aku dah sihat ke belum. Ish terharulah! Letak beg kat meja, terus join diorang breakfast. Ari ni aku makan roti jala dengan kari ayam. Minum ari ni downgrade sikit. Teh O suam je.
Sebenarnya aku pening jugak pikir nak makan apa. Dengan gastriknya. Dengan nearly kena darah tinggi. Aku jadi tak tau nak makan apa. Last sekali aku ikut perut yang lapar dan budget yang ada.
Lepas makan, cepat-cepat aku tengok insiden ( kat HP, dipanggil tiket). Ada 2 je open incident. Cepat-cepat aku setelkan. Lepas tu kelam kabut bukak veritas nak finalisekan server-server yang perlu dibackup utk relocation. Pukul 10 org veritas nak datang, kul 9.30 baru aku nak kalut-kalut.
Leka tgk senarai server, tengok-tengok dah pukul 10.30. Tak sampai lagi org veritas ni. At last kul 11.30 baru dia datang. Naik ke bilik server di tingkat 8 buat pertama kali. Sangat la sejuk bilik server ni. Nasib baik Epi baik pinjamkam jaket dia.
Aku mula cemas sebab nak belajar pasal veritas ni. Lepas ni, veritas ni jadi tanggungjawab aku. Risaunya. Bila Amri dok usik-usik aku pasal aku pakai baju kecik la apa la. Aku mula nak bad mood dah. Orang nak belajar ni, dia pun sibuk la nak mengusik. Aku pun mula tunjuk muka tension.
Last-last Amri tinggalkan aku kat situ dengan orang veritas yang sekarang dah tahu nama dia Ang. Laju gila la si Ang ni buat kerja. Dah la guna Java unix segala. Harap la nak masuk otak aku kan. So, Ang ajar aku cara nak recover backup. Ok, dapat 1 lesson pun jadi la.
Gagah perkasa la kitorang berdiri sambil menahan sejuk kat bilik tu. Fariza cakap kat aku cuba berdiri kat lubang-lubang tu. Panas sikit. Aku pun bediri la kat lantai yang ada lubang-lubang tu. Rupanya lagi kuat angin kat situ. Rupanya nak mengusik jugak si Fariza ni. Hahahahha.
Pukul 1.15 kitorang berenti pegi lunch dulu. Hari ni murah rezeki ada nasi kat ofis. So tak payah kuar belanja. Makan dengan Fauzy, Amri dan Fariza kat pantry. Diorang bukak cerita pasal teknologi MIG apa tah. Segala simulation semua keluar. Aku dengar je la. Pastu tiba-tiba ada cerita politik pulak. Aku makan sambil menahan pedas. Lupa pulak aku gastrik hari ni.
Pukul 2, naik semula ke server room. Tapi kali ni dengan Amri dan Ang je. Aku dah rasa angin mencucuk kat belah kiri perut. Kali ni aku tak daya dah nak berdiri tengok Ang wat backup. Aku duduk kat tepi-tepi tingkap. Sempat transfer gambar dari phone Amri yang ambik masa kat KK. Amri cakap kak Syam kata aku fotogenik. Fotogenik ok... Bukan fotogedik. Sampai la ke pukul 3.30.
Balik ke meja yang dirindui kat ofis. Bukak insiden dan setelkan mana yang boleh. Pastu dah pukul 4.30. Hmm... tak sempat aku nak follow up dengan user mana-mana insiden yang pending. Tak semangat dah aku nak wat keje time ni.
Tiba-tiba Hermin ym aku. Kawan yang lama tak borak ni. Apa lagi, ilang segala insiden aku. At last ym dgn Hermin, Bob, Bart dan Ami. Sampai la ke pukul 5.30. Kemas-kemas barang. Lepas cakap i love u kat Bart, terus balik dengan Amri pergi LRT.
Itulah apa yang aku buat hari ni.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
MC Hari Ini
Hari ni aku MC. Demam katanya. Demam la sangat kan. Tapi betul aku tak larat nak pegi keje ari ni. Semalam balik keje stuck dlm jem. Bukan jem nenas ok. perjalanan 20 minit jadi 2 jam. Sampai rumah kul 8, sakit kepala berdenyut-denyut.
Actually aku dah target tak nak amik MC or cuti selagi tak cukup 3 bulan keje. Well, baru sebulan 29 hari keje kat sini, aku dah MC. Aku bangun awal sebenarnya ari ni. Kul 6 dah bangun. Kul 7 dah siap pakai-pakai baju semua dah. Hujan agak lebat jugak la time tu.
Tiba-tiba rasa macam pening balik. Aku tunggu kejap. Tunggu punya tunggu dah 7.30. Alamak! Tak sempat ni. Event start kul 8. Last-last aku sms bos ku yang baik. Bagitau dia aku amik MC ari ni. Bos aku yang baik pun reply dengan cepatnya suruh aku take care. Ish, tak tau nak cakap camana terharu dapat bos baik macam tu. InsyaAllah, aku tak amik kesempatan. Selagi aku tak buat hal dah tentu dia pun akan baik dengan aku.
Aku pun tukar baju balik. Tengok kat dapur ada roti dah expired sehari. Aku goreng roti tu dengan telur celup oat. Tak tau la aku resipi mana aku amik. Bila makan rasa cam sedap je. Perut aku agak meragam sikit dari semalam. Takpe, nanti pegi klinik boleh mintak ubat.
Aku rehat-rehat kejap sambil tengok brothers n sisters episod berapa tak tau kat Starworld. Pukul 12 aku pergi klinik. Masuk ni dah 3 kali aku pegi klinik ni. Setiap kali aku datang, orang yang keje situ lain-lain. Diorang akan ambik masa nak cari rekod aku.
Bila masuk bilik doktor, doktornya pun orang lain. Tapi doktor kali ni memang bagus. Semua benda dia nak check. Dia cek suhu badan aku, tekanan darah aku (sambil bebel-bebel aku mungkin kena darah tinggi) dengan cek perut aku. Tekanan darah aku 122/87. Aku google kat internet, scale tu kira ok lagi. Cuma dikira prehypertension.
Balik rumah, aku tengok cerita Embun. Tapi dah kat tengah-tengah. Aku tak pernah tengok cerita ni even dah banyak kali astro tayang. Sebabnya setiap kali cerita ni ada, mesti aku dengan family. Aku segan sikit nak tengok cerita yang ada rogol-rogol dengan family aku. Masa aku tengok tu, adegan rogol tu dah lepas. Dalam cerita ni ada 3 pelakon yang dah arwah. Arwah Hani Mohsien, Arwah Izi Yahya dengan Arwah Loloq. Hmm... Tinggal kenangan je.
So sekarang ni aku lepak-lepak je. Aku kena reset balik 3 bulan tanpa MC aku starting tomorrow. InsyaAllah I can do it!
Actually aku dah target tak nak amik MC or cuti selagi tak cukup 3 bulan keje. Well, baru sebulan 29 hari keje kat sini, aku dah MC. Aku bangun awal sebenarnya ari ni. Kul 6 dah bangun. Kul 7 dah siap pakai-pakai baju semua dah. Hujan agak lebat jugak la time tu.
Tiba-tiba rasa macam pening balik. Aku tunggu kejap. Tunggu punya tunggu dah 7.30. Alamak! Tak sempat ni. Event start kul 8. Last-last aku sms bos ku yang baik. Bagitau dia aku amik MC ari ni. Bos aku yang baik pun reply dengan cepatnya suruh aku take care. Ish, tak tau nak cakap camana terharu dapat bos baik macam tu. InsyaAllah, aku tak amik kesempatan. Selagi aku tak buat hal dah tentu dia pun akan baik dengan aku.
Aku pun tukar baju balik. Tengok kat dapur ada roti dah expired sehari. Aku goreng roti tu dengan telur celup oat. Tak tau la aku resipi mana aku amik. Bila makan rasa cam sedap je. Perut aku agak meragam sikit dari semalam. Takpe, nanti pegi klinik boleh mintak ubat.
Aku rehat-rehat kejap sambil tengok brothers n sisters episod berapa tak tau kat Starworld. Pukul 12 aku pergi klinik. Masuk ni dah 3 kali aku pegi klinik ni. Setiap kali aku datang, orang yang keje situ lain-lain. Diorang akan ambik masa nak cari rekod aku.
Bila masuk bilik doktor, doktornya pun orang lain. Tapi doktor kali ni memang bagus. Semua benda dia nak check. Dia cek suhu badan aku, tekanan darah aku (sambil bebel-bebel aku mungkin kena darah tinggi) dengan cek perut aku. Tekanan darah aku 122/87. Aku google kat internet, scale tu kira ok lagi. Cuma dikira prehypertension.
Balik rumah, aku tengok cerita Embun. Tapi dah kat tengah-tengah. Aku tak pernah tengok cerita ni even dah banyak kali astro tayang. Sebabnya setiap kali cerita ni ada, mesti aku dengan family. Aku segan sikit nak tengok cerita yang ada rogol-rogol dengan family aku. Masa aku tengok tu, adegan rogol tu dah lepas. Dalam cerita ni ada 3 pelakon yang dah arwah. Arwah Hani Mohsien, Arwah Izi Yahya dengan Arwah Loloq. Hmm... Tinggal kenangan je.
So sekarang ni aku lepak-lepak je. Aku kena reset balik 3 bulan tanpa MC aku starting tomorrow. InsyaAllah I can do it!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
I just have to say this. I'm sick. Tak tau kenapa kaki aku sangat sakit. I can't stand on my own. I have to push myself up everytime i want to get up.
Paranoid aku makin menjadi-jadi. Dulu aku fikir tulang aku retak or muscle terkoyak. Sekarang aku terpikir kemungkinan kena polio or somebody do black magic on me kepak-kepak (bukan kepak ayam) kaki aku.
It's been more than a week now. Aku dah pun jumpa doktor. Ubat dia pun dah abis makan. But my leg still hurt.
Syukur still boleh jalan and drive and naik lrt pergi kerja. Walaupun setiap kali naik turun tangga, sakit kaki sampai keluar air mata.
Wahai kaki, cepat la sembuh!
Paranoid aku makin menjadi-jadi. Dulu aku fikir tulang aku retak or muscle terkoyak. Sekarang aku terpikir kemungkinan kena polio or somebody do black magic on me kepak-kepak (bukan kepak ayam) kaki aku.
It's been more than a week now. Aku dah pun jumpa doktor. Ubat dia pun dah abis makan. But my leg still hurt.
Syukur still boleh jalan and drive and naik lrt pergi kerja. Walaupun setiap kali naik turun tangga, sakit kaki sampai keluar air mata.
Wahai kaki, cepat la sembuh!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Be Grateful
Even though I don't like my work but I'm aware I must be thankful I still have a job. What about others who has to quit because of economy crisis. What about people in Bersamamu who's from the start of their life not been gifted a knowledge because not their rezqi yet.
Today, Ayah sent me to LRT because my car need a fix after a long time I survived driving it without air-conditioner. Nothing much to tell about work today besides of a lots of unresolved tickets due to a lot of unreachable user.
At 5.15 I'm already pack my things. Arrived at LRT Gombak at 5.45 and Ayah arrived at the same time. The moment I opened the car door, waaa... Already can feel the coolness inside. Hihi. As usual while driving me and Ayah always discussing a lot of things. I stare at Ayah's face. Suddenly feel so sad because I still depend on him. He still needs to worry about me because I'm living alone here.
Arrived at home and my mum already lie at the living hall (I don't have sofa) with pisang goreng beside her. I went straight to kitchen and can see gulai ikan bawal. It is what I need since I'm so hungry because I skipped my lunch today.
At this moment, both my parents already fell asleep. Ayah must be exhausted because he went to fox my car from 10 AM to 4.30 PM. Can you imagine how chronic my car's condition is. Speaking about car, Bart also has bad experience today. She was involved with an accident. Worse, the person who bumped her car refuse to pay anything with an excuse she didnt purposely hit Bart's car. Well idiot, is there any purposely done accident?
Enough of membebel.
Today, Ayah sent me to LRT because my car need a fix after a long time I survived driving it without air-conditioner. Nothing much to tell about work today besides of a lots of unresolved tickets due to a lot of unreachable user.
At 5.15 I'm already pack my things. Arrived at LRT Gombak at 5.45 and Ayah arrived at the same time. The moment I opened the car door, waaa... Already can feel the coolness inside. Hihi. As usual while driving me and Ayah always discussing a lot of things. I stare at Ayah's face. Suddenly feel so sad because I still depend on him. He still needs to worry about me because I'm living alone here.
Arrived at home and my mum already lie at the living hall (I don't have sofa) with pisang goreng beside her. I went straight to kitchen and can see gulai ikan bawal. It is what I need since I'm so hungry because I skipped my lunch today.
At this moment, both my parents already fell asleep. Ayah must be exhausted because he went to fox my car from 10 AM to 4.30 PM. Can you imagine how chronic my car's condition is. Speaking about car, Bart also has bad experience today. She was involved with an accident. Worse, the person who bumped her car refuse to pay anything with an excuse she didnt purposely hit Bart's car. Well idiot, is there any purposely done accident?
Enough of membebel.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
New Job
Yup! I already started my new job now. It's been 2 weeks now. I'm still clueless on what I'm suppose to do.
Tomorrow will be my Monday blues. Too lazy to do anything. Sometimes I do feel like don't want to do anything. Just want to sit at home. But when I think of it, my parents will be disappointed because I will be nobody. So, I don't have a choice now. I have to work, work and work.
I always feel demotivated to go to work. After last week incident where one of the staff criticized me as not friendly, I do feel like I'm not belong there. I don't know how to push myself to approach people. I don't know how to start a conversation.
I need to find a way to make me feel better. I hope things will be better for me. I keep reminding myself only a few of them not friendly to me. Most of them are good and kind to me. I always worried about small things that scared me to hell rather than focusing on a lot of things that can help me to overcome my problem.
Relax Misa!
Tomorrow will be my Monday blues. Too lazy to do anything. Sometimes I do feel like don't want to do anything. Just want to sit at home. But when I think of it, my parents will be disappointed because I will be nobody. So, I don't have a choice now. I have to work, work and work.
I always feel demotivated to go to work. After last week incident where one of the staff criticized me as not friendly, I do feel like I'm not belong there. I don't know how to push myself to approach people. I don't know how to start a conversation.
I need to find a way to make me feel better. I hope things will be better for me. I keep reminding myself only a few of them not friendly to me. Most of them are good and kind to me. I always worried about small things that scared me to hell rather than focusing on a lot of things that can help me to overcome my problem.
Relax Misa!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Real Story
Here's the real story. Actually my sayang came back here. Can you believe it? After 3 years having a cyber relationship with him, finally he's here. I am so happy. He's back on 5th December. I even dragged Atoy to accompany me to KLIA to meet him. Although his father was there. Well Pakcik, I missed your son so much! Haha!
He supposed to be here until 23rd January. But due to Visa problem, he might need to extend his stay. I feel sad and worried too. Because he's not happy here. Even I cannot stop him from going back to London. Yeah... I know I'm not a strong reason yet for him to stay. We have our good time together. I'm not ready to tell it yet.
By the way, we went to see Anugerah Juara Lagu last night. Thanks to Atoy for giving me tickets. Atoy was one of the percussionist for Aiman's song. They didnt win but I know Atoy enjoy what he did through the performance.
Feel so sleepy now. Goodnite!
He supposed to be here until 23rd January. But due to Visa problem, he might need to extend his stay. I feel sad and worried too. Because he's not happy here. Even I cannot stop him from going back to London. Yeah... I know I'm not a strong reason yet for him to stay. We have our good time together. I'm not ready to tell it yet.
By the way, we went to see Anugerah Juara Lagu last night. Thanks to Atoy for giving me tickets. Atoy was one of the percussionist for Aiman's song. They didnt win but I know Atoy enjoy what he did through the performance.
Feel so sleepy now. Goodnite!
Goodbye Darling
I sent him to LRT station at 10.30. Both of us not waving. After looking at his back, walking to the station, I wave to him silently. I know I will cry while driving back home. It is like a farewell routine for me.
But somehow I managed to control the tears. It's quite a wonder to myself why I'm holding the tears. It's not like anyone can see me crying like a little girl. Well, maybe the tears want to wait until I get home.
Still, when I at home, I'm not crying. I watched TV. Something that I rarely do this last few days ( Mana taknya, asyik keluar berjalan je). I told myself, maybe turning 29 make me feel more matured. No more crying over little things.
But I am so wrong. Once I steppped into bedroom and see the stuff he left, I cried. I cried like there's no tomorrow. I realized how sad I am to went back home with nobody inside. Just me and myself. I even hear my own voice which is actually in my head. Or my heart.
I'm so alone.
But somehow I managed to control the tears. It's quite a wonder to myself why I'm holding the tears. It's not like anyone can see me crying like a little girl. Well, maybe the tears want to wait until I get home.
Still, when I at home, I'm not crying. I watched TV. Something that I rarely do this last few days ( Mana taknya, asyik keluar berjalan je). I told myself, maybe turning 29 make me feel more matured. No more crying over little things.
But I am so wrong. Once I steppped into bedroom and see the stuff he left, I cried. I cried like there's no tomorrow. I realized how sad I am to went back home with nobody inside. Just me and myself. I even hear my own voice which is actually in my head. Or my heart.
I'm so alone.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Bertemu Dan Berpisah
Setiap pertemuan pasti ada perpisahan. Harapnya perpisahan kali ini, tidaklah terlalu lama. Tanggal 5 Disember 2008 pasti terpahat dalam ingatan.
Walau airmata tak terlihat menggenangi pipi ini. Tetapi sebenarnya ia mengalir laju di dalam hati. InsyaAllah, kau dan aku akan bertemu lagi, mengikat kasih sejati. Selamat jalan, Sayang.
Walau airmata tak terlihat menggenangi pipi ini. Tetapi sebenarnya ia mengalir laju di dalam hati. InsyaAllah, kau dan aku akan bertemu lagi, mengikat kasih sejati. Selamat jalan, Sayang.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Ugly Me


Last 2 days, after new year celebration, I'm watching tv. There's a movie that I can't remember the title. It was Jet Li's movie. I watched it till the end. Then, after that, I continue to watch Shanghai Knight, Jackie Chan movie on tv3.
Last night, there's a movie title Stormrider starred by Cheng E-Kin and Aaron Kwok. The movie was great but I only watched it half way.
Conslusion, Misa likes old ugly men like Jet Li and Jackie Chan rather than cute handsome comic face hero like Cheng E-Kin and Aaron Kwok.
Reminder of the day : Next time buying Mamee, please buy the pink one, not the green.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year
1 day almost be over. Anything new?
I lost spirit to make any resolutions this year.
Because past year resolution still not accomplished yet.
So this year resolution should be, to ensure last year resolution accomplished. Aci tak??
Or should I make reSOULution instead?
I lost spirit to make any resolutions this year.
Because past year resolution still not accomplished yet.
So this year resolution should be, to ensure last year resolution accomplished. Aci tak??
Or should I make reSOULution instead?
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