Saturday, May 30, 2009

Rasa Bersalah

"Rasa Bersalah" is my YM status today. Some of my concerned friends then buzzed me to know what's the matter with me.

I forgot MyDia birthday. Even, I talked to him until 1 am, but the fact that the day is his special day totally not registered in my head.

Over these 3 years, this is the first time I forgot about it. And I hope this will be the last time.

I feel so guilty because for my birthday, he really make himself sure not to forget about it. He was the first person who wish me happy birthday.

Please Misa, be romantic ok!


Ayu Ikhwani said...

Lohh.. awak tak ckp pun besday dia.. sy dok ingt besday kawan bese je.. patut la awak rase down sgtttt.. sowiii! Tatau..

misa said...

Ahahaha. Sebab saya cakap besday 'kawan' saya ek. Saya tak reti ler nak cakap boifren. Hik2.