Sunday, March 1, 2009

New Job

Yup! I already started my new job now. It's been 2 weeks now. I'm still clueless on what I'm suppose to do.

Tomorrow will be my Monday blues. Too lazy to do anything. Sometimes I do feel like don't want to do anything. Just want to sit at home. But when I think of it, my parents will be disappointed because I will be nobody. So, I don't have a choice now. I have to work, work and work.

I always feel demotivated to go to work. After last week incident where one of the staff criticized me as not friendly, I do feel like I'm not belong there. I don't know how to push myself to approach people. I don't know how to start a conversation.

I need to find a way to make me feel better. I hope things will be better for me. I keep reminding myself only a few of them not friendly to me. Most of them are good and kind to me. I always worried about small things that scared me to hell rather than focusing on a lot of things that can help me to overcome my problem.

Relax Misa!


Ayu Ikhwani said...

Huhu.. smlm kuar ngan Bart.. dia kate awak tak suke tmpt baru awak ek.. cian awak

misa said...

Rasanya sebab awal lagi kot. Pastu dok risau sebab tak kena marah lagi ngan bos. Hihi!