Thursday, January 7, 2010


Recently, I have lots of incidents to cater after a long break of end of last year. I only have 2 hands to do all the things. I admit that I cannot handle it all at once. I need help.

I used to have 1 intern to help me. But it only last for 2 weeks. I cannot stand the way the intern do the work.

I rejected the intern and ask her to help other staff. The response that I get is:

A: I agree u reject the intern. Intern suppose cannot choose the task that we assigned to them.

B: Diorang intern je. Bukan staff. Mana boleh push lebih-lebih.

Actually the intern reject me first. She dare to send sms to one of the staff asking till when she need to help me because she interested to do something else.

After I rejected her, then she begged and regret her action.

I'm not hating her. I just don't have the patience to attend to all these nonsense.


Ayu Ikhwani said...

Cehh.. tah hape hape tahhhh

misa said...

Ayu, awak setuju dengan A ke dengan B?